How Modern Greek Differs From Koine Greek

Koine and Modern Greek are both descendants of the ancient Mycenaean dialect, which has evolved since the late Bronze Age. Though both are relatively similar, they have many articulate differences that set them apart. In this blog, we will explore the history, differences, and usages of both languages, which shape our understanding of the New […]

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What Is the Inductive Bible Study Method?

Looking for a way to study the Greek Bible online, freely without distractions?  The inductive bible study method is the perfect way to read God’s word in its original form without being clouded by other translators’ opinions, commentary, and analysis.   Inductive Bible Study Method Definition The inductive bible study method is a comprehensive, investigative […]

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How To Boost Your Greek Vocabulary With the Biblical Greek Dictionary

How To Boost Your Greek Vocabulary With the Biblical Greek Dictionary Learning a new language takes time, especially when it’s an ancient scripture immersed in rich vocabulary. Mastering the Greek New Testament demands not only an understanding of Biblical Greek morphology, syntax, and pronunciation but also the words and their meanings. Likewise, anyone could do […]

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New Testament Greek Course – Best Way to Learn the New Biblical Greek

The New Testament is an integral part of the Christian Bible, containing the teachings of Jesus Christ and the history of the early Christian church. For many believers, reading the New Testament in its original language can bring a deeper understanding and appreciation of the text. If you’re interested in exploring the Bible more deeply, […]

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Was Jesus a Nationalist??

Dr. Story takes a deep dive on the original New Testament Greek word for the “people” and its wide ranging implications! The New Testament often uses the term “the people”. But exactly who are “the people”? Is it always the same people? Are some people included and others excluded? Through the exploration of the original […]

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